Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just a little extra winter please!

So I've decided to slow down a bit and only post 3 days a week instead of 5. A girl can only give so much! It'll allow me to take more time and write better posts (I hope) and frankly my schedule was just getting too tight!

So I'll more than likely be posting Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. I'm posting tonight because tomorrow morning I'm headed up north! After a wet, cold, extra February day you'd think one would want to hide out in bed. Not this gal!

I am super excited and really crossing my fingers that there will be snow out there and that we will have good weather! Bryan and I are looking to do some cross country skiing, skating, tubing (my favourite!) and probably a little INDOOR swimming. All the choices in outdoor activities really make this my ideal long weekend getaway! Who can resist being out in the wild, snow up to your knees (unless of course you're wearing snowshoes), crunching snow, softly singing birds and clear blue skies?!

All the outdoor activity makes me feel way less guilty for splurging on snacks and drinks. I know I'm counter acting the good I've done, but I don't feel nearly as bad as if I'd done nothing!

I will give myself a little challenge and say no caffeine. Now I'm not the kind of person who has a cup of coffee or tea on a daily basis but I do like an occasional cuppa joe or a warm black or green tea - especially with brunch! But with all the fresh air, activity and extra sleep on a king sized bed I'll be getting I don't think I'll be needing the extra jolt! I will be needing the extra water though, so instead of my morning coffee I'll start my day with an extra large glass of water.

Stay tuned, I have lot's planned for March!

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