Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Lesson Learned

Today was a great day! I got up and out of the house at a reasonable time. I had a chocolate avocado smoothie on my way into work. I was full until lunch! Enjoyed a slice of leftover pizza from the weekend, had some salad for an afternoon sack and went to the gym and killed it at my BodyPump class.

I needed something small to eat for dinner tonight and after debating between oatmeal and soup, the minestrone soup won! Mainly because all I had to do was boil it. I threw in some quinoa for some extra protein since it was just one of those dry packaged soups.

As that boiled I also made a couple hard boiled eggs to add to my salad tomorrow. I won't be going to the gym tomorrow so I'm making a bit of a heartier lunch so I can make it home for dinner.

Admittedly I had some crackers with delicious Rhubarb & Ginger jam from a small bakery up North while I waited. I just couldn't resist!

Finally my soup was done and I began to feast! That's when Bryan came into the room wondering what that great smell was. It did smell rather smoky and I wondered what gave it that scent, so I checked the ingredients.

There is was, staring back at me. Beef Fat.

For those who don't know, I decided to go vegetarian in November and besides a special work dinner at a non-vegetarian friendly restaurant early on, and a carrot soup where I was later told was made with chicken stock I have held true to that decision. But, in both those cases it was out of my control. Today, I was simply lazy and didn't check the ingredients. I know that worse could have happened, and it's not like I ate a steak! But, it's still the principle of it. I'm either going to do it or I'm not. So I'm a little disappointed with myself. Even when you think something is OK for you to eat, it's better to read the ingredients and be safe rather than sorry.

Needless to say Bryan is happy because he's got some leftover soup for free! The jokes on him though 'cause he's doing the dishes.

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