Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I don't wanna brag but this week I've been doing a pretty great job of getting up early and getting outta the house sooner. It all started Monday with the building fire alarm going off at 6:30am. A nasty wake up call but it sure got me out of bed!

Tuesday I didn't want to break the cycle so at 7 on the dot I got out of bed, showered and made myself a special breakfast. Picture this sandwich, toast, cheese, egg, veggie sausage, sautéed onion and mushrooms topped with avocado and another piece of toast. Yea, it was pretty great and really kept me going through the morning. I also noticed how much more pleasant everything was when my belly was full of protein. that and tons of water first thing really changed how my morning commute and morning at work went!

Today I did it again! Up at 7, I threw in a few push ups for good measure, showered and fed before 7:30. It was a smoothie morning, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tbsp greek yogurt, a frozen banana, lots of spinach and a bit of avocado I had left over. Yum! And, as I type this my eggs are being hard boiled for lunch.

So speaking of push ups, I haven't written much about what exercises I'm doing lately. I thought today might be a good time to talk about some good core workouts. Most of these are really simple moves but really set a fire in your abs.

Russian Twists - These are my favourite! Sit on the floor with your knees bent (or raised to increase difficulty) put your arms straight in front of your and swing them from side to side really twisting in your torso. Try to almost touch the floor beside you. I like doing these with a medicine ball for a little weight.

Side Plank with a Twist - Start in a side plank with your top arm raised straight up to the ceiling. Slowly bring your arm down and twist to bring your arm under you. Return to starting and repeat. Do 5 to 10 on each side.

Bicycle Crunches - I'm sure you have all done this before. Lay on your back, knees bent 90 degrees and straight above your hips. With your fingers beside your ears crunch up and bring your right elbow toward your left knee, extending your right leg. Return to the start then bring your left elbow to your right knee, extending the left leg. I see a lot of people at the gym rushing through these, try slowing it down and concentrate on doing a good twist. You can alternate between fast and slow crunches to keep things challenging.

Double Leg Stretch - I won't lie, this one sucks. I have a really hard time with ab workouts that require you to stretch out both legs, they just don't want to do it. Still, this one is nice and challenging. Lay on your back and bring your knees in toward your chest and your hands toward your toes. Slowly extend your legs out (careful not to touch the floor) and stretch your arms out behind you. Return to start and repeat.

Give it a try!

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